
Beberapa Model Pembelajaran

MODEL-MODEL PEMBELAJARAN 1. Lesson Study 2. Examples Non Examples 3. Picture and Picture 4. Numbered Heads Together 5. Cooperative Script 6. Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah 7. Explicit Instruction (Pengajaran Langsung) 8. Inside – Outside – Circle (Lingkaran kecil – Lingkaran besar) 9. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) 10. Student Facilitator and Explaining 11. Course Review Horay 12. Talking Stick 13. Bertukar Pasangan 14. Snowball Throwing 15. Artikulasi 16. Mind Mapping 17. Student Teams – Achievement Divisions (STAD) 18. Kepala Bernomor Struktur (Modifikasi dari Number Heads) 19. Scramble 20. Word Square 21. Kartu Arisan 22. Concept Sentence 23. Make – A Match (Mencari Pasangan) 24. Take and Give 25. Tebak Kata 26. Metode Diskusi 27. Metode Jigsaw 28. Metode Investigasi Kelompok (Group Investigation) 29. Metode Inquiry 30. Metode Debat 31. Metode Role Playing 32. Metode Pemecahan Masalah (Problem Solving) 33. Metode Team ...

Gudep Rajawali-Oroza Sativa / SMPN 1 Ciawi

Ikut Urban Scouts Festival Trans Studio Bandung tgl. 22 Oktober 2017. Selamat,,...!!

Reflections welcome Ramadan 1438 Hijri / 2017 AD

Oh man .... the faith and islam ... soon we will enter the month full of blessings of forgiveness and prayer of prayer .. that is the door of heaven in open, the door of hell on the lid and shayton in shackles. Let us both fill the holy month with worship to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. We hope that I especially the Muslims are generally saved by Allah from the Fire of Hell. Aamiiin


When Ramadan has arrived. Changed all the atmosphere. All the Muslims are enjoying themselves. Receive the glorious month of Ramadan. During the day must be held hungry and thirsty. In the afternoon we may break the fast. The evening was established night prayer. There is no end to the reading of the Qur'an. The month of Ramadan is a glorious month. It's lucky the smart guy filled it. Can achieve his purity. Earned rewards doubled. Fasting is truly noble. Though heavy is felt. Holding food since dawn. Refrain from patience. Adzan maghrib has been heard. We break it fresh. End of the evening meal dawn. Not to forget we are grateful.